Sunday, January 16, 2011


For this week lesson, we have also learn about CINQVAIN. Actually 'Cinq' stands for 5 in french, so Cinqvain is a 5lines poems and the format goes like this. 1 line writes the noun/topic, 2 line writes 2 adjectives, 3 line writes 3 gerunds, 4 line writes a sentence and the 5 line writes a synonym. A example that we did in class is
pretty white
blooming, moving, watering
O! How attractive you are.
I think that Cinqvain is quite fun to write compare to other poems. It is simple, u can express yourself with just a few lines and it does not have to rhyme like other poems. In this lesson, I have also learn a bit more about my classmates when some of them share with us their cinqvain. I hope to know a few more ways to write poems that are similar to writing cinqvain. (:

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