Last week lesson, we learned about the act 1 scene 2 of macbeth story. And now i will give a short summary of this scene. At first the captain arrived meeting with King Duncan and describing the process and what happened during the war. It was a war with Mcdonwald and in the end mcdonwald got defeated by macbeth. Soon the second war with their new enemy Norwegian King began and the ending was still the same- macbeth won the war, however the captain was injured. The norwegian king then wanted a treaty, as they wanted norwegian king to retreat and paid them 10000 dollars and they wouldn't let the norwegian buried their soldiers showing disrespect and dishonour.
I think that it is quite interesting to read shakespeare's play as in each line there is always 10 , syllabus in each line. I think it is quite hard to read the original text as i do not really understand but now i can still manage with having the modern text. I hope to understand the passage more in future.
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