Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Romeo and Juliet

Haven't been updating for some time. Anyway after the Macbeth act, we went on to the major act -Romeo and Juliet. It is a more difficult challenge to all of us as we were divided into bigger groups and had problem due to different CCAs timing, thus started to do the props in smaller groups first. There were many things to consider and as a result we was only able to decided the role after the june holiday.
Soon it was the day for our dry run performance, however we have actually concentrated more on the props and only memorize only lines. Staging were not discuss, we also did not have enough interaction with each other, one of the problem is also because romeo and juliet was not close and never tried acting together before causing the dry run to be a bad one. After the dry run, we then made some change in roles and i was changed to played the role juliet. We had also practice more after that day and did a better job on the dry run the next day.
From this dry run, i have actually learn even more about the importance of teamwork. We need to get more bonded and talk more! This is just the starting as we have lots more to prepare compare to other groups after seeing each groups performance. (:

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